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Section 7 Overseeing the Strategy

Establishing joint ownership of the Research and Evaluation strategy across Public Health Wales and externally is essential to support successful implementation towards our goal of having a thriving research and evaluation environment addressing the major health challenges in Wales.

The Public Health Wales Research and Evaluation Strategic Oversight Group will develop and drive forwards the implementation plan for the strategy, assessing progress against the outcomes of this strategy and monitor research and evaluation activities across Public Health Wales. This group will be chaired by the Head of Research and Development and include representation from the R&D Office, Evaluation Team, Divisional/Directorate Research and Evaluation Leads (or nominated deputies) and as necessary, representation from People and Organisational Development, and Information Governance and Operations and Finance.

The Directorate / Divisional Research and Evaluation Leads will support the implementation of the strategy, with a specific focus on capacity and capability development and the review of research and evaluation priorities. Accountability and reporting will be to both the Public Health Wales Executive Team, and to the Public Health Wales Board, via the Knowledge, Research and Information Board Committee. Accountability to Welsh Government is via Health and Care Research Wales.

An external Research and Evaluation Partnership Panel will be developed focusing on maximising research and evaluation opportunities in collaboration with external research partners, and providing advice to support the development of research and evaluation leadership within Public Health Wales.

Implementation of this strategy will be guided by our principles for research and evaluation, which are strongly aligned to the five ways of working, as defined within the sustainable development principle in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.