Public Health Wales is preparing to launch a ‘National Conversation on Mental Wellbeing’ through a website and campaign called Hapus. The aim is to encourage people to prioritise their mental wellbeing and make time for the things that can boost mental wellbeing, such as spending time with family and friends, going for a walk in the countryside or listening to music. The things we can do to boost our wellbeing are many and varied, often it is about making time for the things that make us feel good.
Through the National Conversation we will be asking people to share what works for them. In advance of the launch, we are inviting some people to share their own experiences. By sharing what works well for you (in the form below), you’ll have the opportunity to encourage and inspire others to find ways to boost their mental wellbeing.
Please use the following form to tell us what works for your mental wellbeing. Please note anything you share (other than your contact details) may be used on the Hapus website or for the other purposes you’ve consented to.