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Guidance and Resources for Employers

This section details a range of further information, resources and good practice advice that employers can use to understand, promote and support equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. General underpinning information is provided first followed by topic specific information.



The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) has a guide to EDI in the workplace, which includes advice on preventing discrimination and harassment.


The CIPD provides general guidance in relation to recruitment practices and addressing bullying and harassment at work, together with factsheets addressing each protected characteristic.

Diverse Cymru

A registered charity with a vision is to help create a nation without prejudice or discrimination. Here, an overview of the Welsh Equalities landscape from the EHRC is provided covering aspects of the Equality Act 2010 that help employers and business to increase diversity and reduce inequality.

Equality Act 2010

Information and guidance on the Equality Act 2010, including age discrimination and the public sector Equality Duty.

Equality and Human Rights Commission

Legal advice and guidance surrounding equal rights provided as part of their mandate to challenge discrimination, and to protect and promote human rights.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

Information on what rights disabled workers and new and expectant mothers have in relation to their protected characteristics can be found in the HSE’s guides for disabled staff and new and expectant mothers.

National Equality Standard (NES)

The UK’s leading diversity, equality and inclusion standard. The NES provides recommendations supplemented by an action plan, based on a repository of best practice, which details how to ensure full compliance against the nine legal protected characteristics.


Action for Race Equality UK (ARE)

ARE champion fairness, challenge discrimination and pioneer innovative solutions to empower Black, Asian and Mixed Heritage people through education, employment and enterprise.

Race Equality First

Established to work towards the principle of equality and creating a fair and just society, Race Equality First provides a range of services and resources dedicated to helping tackle discrimination and hate crime.

Race Council Cymru

Race Council Cymru (RCC) is the overarching umbrella body established by ethnic minority grassroots communities in Wales. RCC designs and delivers key programmes, training, events and activities. The umbrella body for organisations in Wales to promote and champion race equality.

Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team Wales

Supporting ethnic minority young people and their families.


Age Cymru Advice

Information and advice service on matters affecting older people in Wales.

British Menopause Society

The British Menopause Society (BMS) is the specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK. The BMS educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals, working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health.

Independent Age, Advice and Guidance

Older People’s Commissioner for Wales

Supporting older people across Wales through their Advice and Assistance team, which ensures older people’s voices and experiences guide the Commissioner’s work are acted upon by policy and decision-makers.



ACAS provides specific advice and guidance on reasonable adjustments.

Autism Wales

An employment resource booklet for autistic workers


The CIPD provides specific guidance on neurodiversity at work.

Government Equalities Office

The Government Equalities Office has produced a guide for employers explaining the duty on employers to make reasonable adjustments for their staff.

Disability Wales

Disability Wales is the national association of disabled people’s organisations in Wales striving to achieve the rights and equality of all disabled people.

Mencap Cymru

The voice of learning disability in Wales. Mencap can provide information on understanding the rights of people with a learning disability and how to support them.


Scope is the disability equality charity in England and Wales. Scope provides practical advice and emotional support to people through their helpline, online community, community engagement programmes, partnerships and more.

UK Government

UK Government provides information on reasonable adjustments for disabled workers and those with health conditions.


Menopause at Work

ACAS provides information for employers on managing the effects of the menopause, supporting staff through the menopause, talking with staff about the menopause, and menopause and the law.

Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales

WEN Wales is an organisation that supports the ending of gender discrimination  in Wales whereby all women, men and non-binary people have equal authority and opportunity to shape society and their own lives.

Pregnancy and Maternity

Maternity Action

Maternity Action is the UK’s maternity rights charity dedicated to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of all pregnant women, new mothers and their families to employment, social security and health care.

Gender reassignment

Trans Aid Cymru

Trans Aid Cymru aims to help Transgender, Non-Binary and Intersex (TIN) people through mutual aid support. 

Sexual Orientation

Stonewall Cymru

Providing advice on best practice to support LGBT+ staff including through their Diversity Champions programme.


ACAS Podcasts

ACAS has produced podcasts discussing topics related to EDI, including the celebration of black lives in the workplace and how to support disabled workers.

CIPD Podcasts

The CIPD has a range of podcasts on EDI-related topics, including LGBT+ at work, neurodiverse employees and tackling racism.

Pledges and Programmes

Organisations can make a public commitment to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in their workplace. Pledges are a useful tool in providing further information and strengthen your understanding on various topics.

Disability Confident scheme - GOV.UK (

Disability Confident is a government scheme which aims to encourage employers to think differently about disability and take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop disabled people. It was developed by employers and disabled people’s representatives to make it rigorous but easily accessible, particularly for smaller businesses.

Centre for Ageing Better – Age Friendly Employer Pledge

This pledge is designed for employers who are committed to valuing the importance of older people in the workplace.

Wellbeing of Women – Menopause Workplace Pledge

Wellbeing of Women are asking employers to commit to more menopause-friendly workplaces by signing up to their pledge of positive action.

Miscarriage Association – The Pregnancy Loss Pledge

The Miscarriage Association has urged employers across the UK to commit to supporting staff who have a miscarriage.

Inclusive Employers Standard (IES)

Inclusive Employers is the UK’s first membership organisation to support employers looking to build more inclusive workplaces. Employers can demonstrate their commitment to EDI through the Inclusive Employer’s Standard (IES). There is a charge to this scheme so may not be suitable for all organisations.

Race Alliance Wales - Anti-Racist Wales Manifesto

You can pledge your support for an anti-racist Wales by endorsing Race Alliance Wales’ Manifesto. The Manifesto sets out a road map on how to achieve race equality and covers key areas such as employment and representation.

Key EDI Dates

The following are key dates and campaigns running across the year. These campaigns can be useful ‘pegs’ for workplace activities and awareness raising, and they often provide good resources for employers to use with their staff.


Time to Talk Day occurs on the first Thursday of February

LGBT History Month takes place across February


International Women’s Day is on 8 March

International Transgender Day of Visibility is celebrated on 31 March annually


Mental Health Awareness Week takes place 15 – 21 May


Windrush Day is marked on 22 June

Learning Disabilities Week is held in June

Autistic Pride Day is 18 June


World Breastfeeding Week occurs in August


World Suicide Prevention is on 10 September

National Inclusion Week is held in the last week of September


Black History Month takes place each October

International Day of Older Persons is marked on 1 October

World Mental Health Day is on 10 October

National Work Life Week is held during October

Menopause Awareness Day is on 18 October

Baby Loss Awareness Week occurs in October

ADHD awareness month also takes place across October


National Stress Awareness Day is marked on 2 November

Elimination of Violence Against Women Day is observed on 25 November

UK Disability Month runs from November to December each year

Islamophobia Awareness Month is November

White Ribbon Day is 25 November


International Day of Persons with Disabilities occurs on 3 December