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transgender information accordion

I am registered with my GP as an FtM/trans man, do I need a smear?
I am a registered FtM/trans man. I have not yet had a hysterectomy. How can I get an invitation?
I am an FtM/trans man who is registered as female, do I need a smear?
I am an FtM/trans man (not had a hysterectomy). Previously I had a painful experience. I have just received my letter from CSW to say I am due my smear test. Is there anything the smear taker can do to make having a smear more comfortable?
I am an FtM/trans man and just been invited to have a smear test. Due to my hormone treatment I have undergone significant physical changes relating to my genitalia. I'm a bit embarrassed about going for my smear test. Is there anything I can do?
I am a registered FtM/trans man. I have had a total hysterectomy; do I still need a smear test?
I am a registered MtF/trans woman and have been invited for screening. Can I have a cervical screening test?
I am an FtM/trans man currently undergoing hormone treatment prior to genital surgery, I haven't registered with my GP as male and have recently been invited for screening. Should I still go for my smear test?
I am an FtM/trans man currently using Testosterone Gel. I have recently been invited for my smear test and have heard that having a smear test can be painful? Is there anything the smear taker can do to make having my smear test more comfortable?
I am an FtM/trans man undergoing treatment at colposcopy for abnormal cells and have recently changed my gender by deed poll. Will I still be invited for treatment and will the letters be addressed to my registered name or my birth name?
I am an FtM/trans man who is registered as female. You have recently invited me for screening but the letters refer to me as Mrs. Can this be changed as I am living as a man?
I had my smear test but I did not feel that I was treated with dignity and respect. What can I do?