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Staff wellbeing


Counselling & Support Information

Mental Health    

Supporting yourself as well as others   


Wellbeing Wednesday  

Christmas Ideas for Staff

Wellbeing staff videos 

Money and pensions 


General guidance and resources

Black History Month

Bereavement Support


Mental Health

Wellbeing check in

As part of our ongoing work to support staff wellbeing, we’d like to signpost you to the individual wellbeing check in pro forma

You may not be feeling your best but not finding it easy to identify what could change, so completing the individual check in form could support you in having those conversations and exploring options. It looks at a number of work-related factors which you can share with your line manager on completion, or you can choose to complete the form with them, so they can be involved in finding solutions and creating an action plan for improvement. We would also encourage you to ask anyone you line manage to complete it.

We’re putting together the final touches to a team-level wellbeing check in, which is designed to assess wellbeing in the group and facilitate team-generated solutions to any identified issues. 

If you’d like any further information, please contact Jane Rees.

Supporting yourself as well as others 


Wellbeing Wednesday 

Wellbeing staff videos 

Money and pensions COVID-19 support and guidance
  • Money and pensions COVID-19 support and guidance - Cymraeg / English
  • The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) have launched a new online Money Navigator Tool, to help people who have seen their finances impacted by Covid-19, by providing them with guidance personalised to their needs. 

    Introductory video: Cymraeg  /  English
    Money Navigator Tool: Cymraeg  /  English

    Here's a short webinar from Rhian Hughes, Wales Partnership Manager, Money and Pensions Service explaining what it's all about. 



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Guidance and resources
Black History Month
Christmas Ideas for Staff
Bereavement Support

People grieve in different ways and there is no right or wrong way to react to the death of a colleague, friend or family member.  Many people find it helpful to reach out and talk to someone about their feelings, others may wish to deal with the loss in private.

Support is available: