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Looking after your relationships

We know that this can be a worrying time, and that you may have particular concerns if you are pregnant or have a baby. Building a relationship with your baby and maintaining your relationship with your partner, family and friends is really important now to help with stress and support your baby’s development. 

You may be experiencing some new or unfamiliar emotions at the moment, which may present themselves in your relationship with your partner. If you and your partner, are having a disagreement, try to remain calm and avoid raising your voice. A calm, nurturing home life will help your baby to grow up happy and healthy.   Here are a few tips that may help:

  • Talk about how you feel with your partner, friends or family members.  It can help you feel positive and to cope better with any stress. 
  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself – be realistic about what you can do.
  • Use this time for you and your partner to bond with your baby, by talking, singing, and reading to them and giving them lots of cuddles.
  • Look into other methods of staying in touch with extended family such as sending pictures and keeping in touch online. 
  • Explore some gentle ways to be active, taking a daily walk together to get some fresh air will trigger chemicals in the brain that improve mood.
  • Connect with other new parents using online forums or over the phone.

New parents often find it helpful to talk to their midwife or health visitor if they are worried about how they or their partner are doing. 

For information and tips on bonding with your baby visit: 

    Fun and easy tips to help you bring even more LookSaySing and Play into your daily routine with your baby. 
  • Our Place 
    Use access code NWSOL for free access if you live in north Wales or SWSOL for free access if you live in mid or south Wales. 

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