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Environmental Sustainability

Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Workplace Wellbeing


Environmental sustainability refers to the responsible management of natural resources for present and future generations by:

  • Reducing waste
  • Promoting renewable energy
  • Minimising pollution

Employers play a crucial role in this effort by incorporating sustainable practices into their operations, supply chains, and corporate culture. By doing so, they contribute to the health and wellbeing of their employees, communities and the planet while also ensuring the long-term viability of their business.

The link between climate change and environmental sustainability is significant and complex:

  • Climate change refers to the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a region, largely influenced by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.
  • Environmental sustainability, on the other hand, focuses on preserving natural resources and ecosystems for current and future generations.

Why focus on environmental sustainability?

Pursuing environmental sustainability will contribute to mitigating the climate emergency we are all facing and the related environmental, health, social and economic impacts. For employers, embracing environmental sustainability means integrating eco-friendly practices into business operations. This includes reducing waste, minimising energy consumption, using renewable resources, and adopting green technologies. It also involves considering the environmental impact of the supply chain, product life cycle, and overall business practices.

By prioritising environmental sustainability, employers contribute to mitigating climate change, reducing ecological footprints, and fostering a healthier planet. Additionally, it aligns businesses with the expectations of environmentally conscious consumers and helps build a positive corporate image. Involving employees in developing and delivering green policies and practices   can foster a sense of ownership and pride in contributing to a greener future.

The need to reduce environmental impact has prompted a shift towards sustainable practices which have benefits for workplace health and wellbeing as well as for the wider environment. This is important because a healthy, engaged workforce is a cornerstone of organisational success.

Implementing a range of sustainability measures not only benefits the environment but can also lead to cost savings, increased efficiency, and enhanced employee engagement as well as wellbeing.

Environmental sustainability goals

The United Nations has set climate action goals as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by UN member states in 2015. The Welsh Government has committed to reducing global emissions to Net Zero by 2030. Net Zero can be defined as balancing the amount of greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere with those taken out. 

Organisations have a responsibility to implement environmentally sustainable practices, for example by increasing efficiencies:

  • Keeping materials in use and avoiding waste.
  • Investing in decarbonising buildings and vehicles.
  • Changing behaviours so that low carbon becomes the default choice in every action.
  • Changing ways of working with suppliers and partners.

What can employers do?

The following section looks at the different ways in which employers can make workplaces more environmentally friendly at the same time as adopting sustainable practices as a means of improving overall employee health and wellbeing. 

Employers can implement a range of initiatives many of which promote the wellbeing of employees as well as the health of the environment. Here are some strategies to consider: 


By implementing these strategies, employers can contribute to both the wellbeing of their employees and the broader goal of environmental sustainability. It's essential to involve employees in the process, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and engagement.

Further information

The overarching aims of the Act are to enable resources in Wales to be managed in a more proactive, sustainable and joined-up way and to establish the legislative framework necessary to tackle climate change. This Act requires all public bodies in Wales to ensure that they contribute to a healthy natural environment in everything that they do.

This Plan sets out how Welsh Government will respond to the climate emergency and bring about net zero by 2030.

While primarily targeted at health systems, this document offers valuable insights for employers seeking to cultivate a work environment focused on enhancing, maintaining, and/or restoring health while minimising negative environmental effects.

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