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Condition Specific Information and Guidance

Condition Specific Information and Guidance

  • ACAS Videos

ACAS has a range of short videos on some individual neurodivergent conditions which can be found here.


ADHD UK has created a welfare pack to help people with ADHD in the workplace. It is designed to aid the conversation between an employer and an employee with ADHD, with the aim of increasing mutual understanding and to help identify helpful reasonable accommodations.

  • Autism Wales

This website provides information on autism and recommends services and training opportunities available online and across Wales. There is a useful video explaining ‘what is autism’ and a range of free downloadable resources that have been developed with autistic people, parents/carers and professionals from across Wales.

  • Autism: Wales Trades Union Congress (TUC) Cymru

Wales TUC Cymru has an Autism Awareness in the Workplace Toolkit.

  • National Autistic Society

Provides support, guidance, and advice, including general information on a range of topics such as employment and professional development.

  • Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia

This toolkit for line managers has been developed by the Civil Service Dyslexia and Dyspraxia Network to support line managers and those with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia to have quality and informed conversations. It includes information on the ‘Workplace Adjustment Passport’ developed by the civil service.

  • Dyslexia Support Wales

Dyslexia Support Wales offers information and contacts for parents, carers, educators, employers, business and third sector agencies. Working throughout Wales, they help individuals with dyslexia to reach their full potential.

  • British Dyslexia Society

Offering information and guidance on both dyslexia and dyscalculia, the British Dyslexia Society provides a specific toolkit for employers on dyslexia-friendly workplaces.

  • Business Disability Forum: Tourettes and Tic Disorders

The Business Disability Forum (BDF) is a not-for-profit membership organisation that aims to promote the inclusion of disabled people in the workplace. It provides resources, support, and guidance to businesses to help them become more disability-smart, offering advice on topics such as accessibility, reasonable adjustments, inclusive recruitment, and employee support.

Factsheet for employers: Tourette’s Syndrome