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Time to Talk Day

00:00 - 01/02/2024
23:59 - 01/02/2024
Event type:
Wellbeing/Awareness Campaign (Day)


Get ready for Time to Talk Day 2024 on Thursday, February 1st!


This year, it’s all about having real conversations about how we’re really feeling. Sometimes, saying "I’m fine" doesn’t cover it—we need to talk more openly.


On this day, Wales is coming together to chat about mental health. It’s a chance for all of us to be honest about how we feel whenever we need to.

Did you know that one in four people faces mental health challenges? But many individuals still feel afraid to talk about it. That fear can make people feel alone or ashamed.


Talking about mental health can change that. It helps break down the walls of shame and makes it okay to ask for help when we need it. When we talk openly, we make it easier for everyone to get support.

Time to Talk Day isn’t just in Wales—it’s UK wide. In Wales, it’s run by Time to Change Wales, Adferiad, Mind Cymru, along with support from the Co-op and the Welsh Government.


Why is talking so important?

When we talk, we break the silence around mental health. This helps create communities where it’s okay to ask for help when we’re not feeling our best.

Workplaces are a great place to start these conversations. Whether you chat with co-workers, spread the word in your community, or use #TimeToTalk on social media, workplaces can be hubs for these important talks.

Make Time to Talk Day 2024 a time of change in workplaces across Wales and beyond. It’s about speaking up, supporting each other, and making mental health a priority.

Want to know more about Time to Talk Day?

View the Time to Talk Day resources here!

Employers can also find useful guidance on our HWW “Mental Health and Wellbeing pages.


Here are some actions for employers to encourage participation in the Time to Talk Day campaign:

  • Promote awareness: Begin by spreading the word about Time to Talk Day well in advance. Use internal communication channels like emails, newsletters, and notice boards to highlight the event, its significance, and how employees can get involved.
  • Utilise resources: Leverage the resources provided by Time to Talk Day or partnering organisations. Distribute informative materials, posters, or online resources that employees can access for information or guidance.
  • Social media campaigns: Create and encourage the use of a designated hashtag for the workplace to share stories, resources, and messages of support related to Time to Talk Day. It could be internal or external, depending on the company's social media policy.
  • Encourage flexibility: Allow flexible scheduling on Time to Talk Day, permitting employees to take breaks for discussions or attend related events without affecting their work responsibilities.
  • Host workshops or talks: Organise interactive sessions or talks led by mental health professionals or experts to discuss the importance of mental health. These sessions could include coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, or just a safe space for open discussions.
  •  Continued support: Remember, mental health conversations shouldn’t be limited to a single day. Encourage ongoing dialogue and consider implementing regular mental health check-ins or initiatives throughout the year.


By implementing these quick wins, employers can create an environment that fosters open conversations about mental health, contributing positively to employee wellbeing and overall workplace culture.