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Step 2 - Considering Resources and Relevance

During this stage of the EIA process it is important to exhaust all avenues in obtaining pertinent information and data. This ensures the EIA is robust and provides extensive evidence on the policy and impact in the practice. There may be a need to utilise both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods in order to provide the most thorough EIA result.


What data is available to help inform the EIA?

  • Explore if the policy has been assessed in the past, do other EIAs exist on the policy?
  • Analyse past research, case studies, employment statistics, data sets, reports, audits, feedback, surveys, etc. surrounding each protected characteristic group
  • Information and data can be sourced from other research bodies (e.g. voluntary groups)
  • Establish if the data is representative of all groups
  • Assess the quality of the information, as standards may vary
  • Collate and analyse all existing information


What information is still needed?

  • Establish where the gaps in data exist
  • Explore why this data is missing and develop appropriate methods for obtaining the information
  • Are there certain groups missing from the information?
  • Consider the quality and relevance of the data throughout the process


How will missing data be collected?

  • Data collection methods must be consistent and appropriate for the policy and practice being assessed
  • Consider what obstacles may arise when collecting the data
  • Ensure all protected characteristic groups are addressed
  • Explore local, regional, and national information for more complete and robust data collection
  • Early engagement and involvement may be necessary to facilitate data collection
  • Decide what the most appropriate methods of data collection are for your practice
  • Think about harmonized standards and sensitivity
  • It is crucial to fill the data gaps in order to obtain the most accurate and robust EIA


What is considered relevant information and data?

  • Think about how the policy functions in relation to the general equality duties and equality groups
  • Consider how the policy affects different groups of people, including those who share one or more protected characteristic. Does it affect one group more than another?
  • If a policy is not deemed relevant for conducting an EIA, this must be fully evidenced
  • Determine if information is research based, anecdotal (awareness-level), or if there is no evidence
Download our Step 2 checklist here.