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Quality, Safety and Improvement Committee


This Committee advises the Board about the quality and safety of public health services and programmes delivered to improve population health outcomes.  It provides assurance about arrangements for safeguarding and improving the quality and safety of service user/person/population centred health provision.

Following a committee structure review in 2016, the Information Governance Committee was dissolved.  Subsequently, the Quality Safety and Improvement Committee is responsible for Information Governance and ensures that Public Health Wales complies with all relevant legislation. Archived papers for previous meetings of the Information Governance Committee can be found here.

View / download the Terms of Reference and Membership for the Quality, Safety and Improvement Committee.



The Committee meets on a quarterly basis and otherwise as the Chair of the Committee deems necessary.  Meeting dates for the Quality, Safety and Improvement Committee are given below.








Papers for meetings of the Quality Safety and Improvement Committee prior to April 2021 can be viewed / downloaded from the Public Health Wales Quality Safety and Improvement Committee – Meeting Paper Archive.


Who’s who


(Minimum of three)

Chair and Non-Executive Director

Diane Crone

Non-Executive Directors

Kate Young

Sian Griffiths

In attendance

(By invitation as required but usually includes those below)

Executive Director – Quality and Nursing

(Lead Executive)

Claire Birchall

National Director Health Protection and Screening Services, and Executive Medical Director

Dr Fu-Meng Khaw

Board Secretary and Head of Board Business Unit
(or their nominee)

Paul Veysey

Governance and General Manager for Quality, Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Directorate

Kayleigh Chainey

Assistant Director of Quality and Nursing

Angela Cook

Assistant Director of Integrated Governance

Stuart Silcox

Deputy Director of Public Health Services and Director of Health Protection

Position vacant

Representative from Staff Partnership Forum

Olusola Okhiria