Please can you provide me with information concerning the maintenance of your corporate estate i.e. operational buildings, land and any other property (e.g. investment) and schools, if they are within your jurisdiction. Not any social housing/dwellings.
Q1. What type of maintenance management model does your organisation use? E.g. Managed supply-chain, single hard-fm & soft-fm contractor, internal workforce, principal contractor etc.
Q2. Can you provide a list of the approved contractors used?
Q3. What are the total values of contracts granted?
Q4. When do these contracts expire?
Q5. What services are provided in each contract?
Q6. What procurement method was used? E.g. Open ITT, Framework if so, which one?
Thank you for your recent request dated 5th July 2023.
Q1. What type of maintenance management model does your organisation use? E.g. Managed supply-chain, single hard-fm & soft-fm contractor, internal workforce, principal contractor etc.
Public Health Wales uses a variety approach to commissioning both reactive and proactive maintenance. These include framework awards, tendering and procurement via Sell to Wales (administered via the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSPP).
Q2. Can you provide a list of the approved contractors used?
Calbarrie Compliance Services
CMB Maintenance
Chubb Fire
Solo Cleaning
Record Doors
Zip Heaters Ltd
Q3. What are the total values of contracts granted?
Calbarrie Compliance Services - circa £19K pa ( 2022/23)
CMB Maintenance – circa £8K Pa
Chubb Fire - Circa £1500 Pa
Solo Cleaning – All Wales NHS Contract – total value not known as procured centrally by NWSPP
PAX – Circa £600 Pa
Record Doors – Circa £1400 Pa
Zip Heaters Ltd – Circa £1500 Pa
Q4. When do these contracts expire?
Calbarrie Compliance services -
CMB Maintenance – Annually
Chubb Fire - Annually
Solo Cleaning – Contract managed centrally by NWSSSP and not Public Health Wales. Therefore value of contract not known.
PAX -Annually
Record Doors - Annually
Zip Heaters Ltd. - Annually
Q5. What services are provided in each contract?
Calbarrie Compliance services – Pat testing
CMB Maintenance – Heating and Ventilation Maintenance
Chubb Fire – Fire extinguishers check
Solo Cleaning – Office cleaning
PAX - Fire extinguishers check
Record Doors – automatic door maintenance
Zip Heaters Ltd – zip tap maintenance
Q6. What procurement method was used? E.g. Open ITT, Framework if so, which one?
Calbarrie Compliance services – Framework commission
CMB Maintenance – Annually rolling contract
Chubb Fire – Business approached for quote for provision
Solo Cleaning – Contract managed centrally by NWSSSP and not Public Health Wales. Therefore total value of contract not known to PHW.
PAX - Business approached for quote for provision
Record Doors – Supplier of install retained for provision of maintenance
Zip Heaters Ltd - Supplier retained for provision of marque taps
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of the decision, you should write to the Corporate Complaints Manager, Public Health Wales NHS Trust, 3, Number 2, Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZ.
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint or review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Trust. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner for Wales
2nd Floor
Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH
Telephone: 029 2067 8400