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Sport Wales has launched #BeActiveWales - a campaign to keep Wales moving during the Coronavirus crisis. Experts, athletes and a famous face or two from across the world of Welsh sport have come together to kit out the nation with exercise videos, session plans, motivation, nutritious recipes and lots, lots more. 

Disability Sport Wales has also launched a campaign called #InThisTogether which includes inclusive exercises that you can watch and get involved with at home.

Why not try out some of the workouts below and let us know how you get on via social media. 

Gentle Home Workouts 

Recommended by the NHS, these gentle workouts are for people who might be new to exercise as well as those who want to start slowly before building up their fitness. 

Gentle Home Workout 1 

A 10-minute workout featuring simple exercises including a grapevine, step-up and sit-to-stand. 

Gentle Home Workout 2

Grab a pillow and use it for a range of exercises in this creative 10-minute workout. 

General Home Workout

How many rounds of this circuit can you complete in 15 minutes? 

Advanced Home Workout

Featuring banded rucksack push-ups, pistol squats, and explosive hamstring switches. 

Disability Sport Wales - Nicola and Sam #InThisTogether

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