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Illustration of fruit bowl and cup

People across Wales are staying at home to protect the NHS and save lives. At the same time this change to our daily routines may mean that our usual eating patterns have also changed. You might not be able to buy your usual food. If you used to be out of your home most days you may now have easier access to food all day long. You might feel like wanting to eat more if you feel stressed, worried or bored. Have the changes you’re going through led to you eating less healthily? So what can we do about it?

Scroll down to find out

  • why eating well right now is more important than ever to keep you strong and healthy
  • hints and tips that people across Wales find useful
  • tools and resources to help you and your family eat well this Spring

Let us know how you get on via social media and if you can share your ideas, tips, recipes and links you can help others across the country who are trying to eat well too.


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