Due to the constant evolution of our understanding about COVID-19 disease, guidance is constantly reviewed and updated. You are advised to check the links below regularly for the most up to date information.
The main sources of Welsh guidance on COVID-19 are Public Health Wales and Welsh Government. Guidance from other bodies, including the UK Government and Public Health England may also apply in Wales.
The UK COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) guidance has been developed jointly by the Devolved Administrations (Public Health Wales on behalf of Wales) and Public Health England (PHE), NHS England & NHS Improvement.
SUP-002: National infection prevention and control manual (NIPCM) (Undated) [English]
SESN21-21: Key standards for environmental cleanliness (NHS organisations) (10th December 2021)[English]
SBAR: Assessing the evidence base for medical procedures which create a higher risk of respiratory infection transmission from patient to healthcare worker (definition of AGPs)
FAQ-003: FAQs on using single use/ disposable FFP3 respiratory protective equipment (RPE) for hospital staff (27 April 2021) [English]
Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) (HSE guidance on respiratory protection)
3M™ FT-10 and 3M™ FT-30 qualitative fit testing kits (video from 3M Personal Safety UK on how to carry out a qualitative fit test)
Quick Reference Guide for Care and Residential Settings v.2 (13 December 2023) [English]
SOP-020: Management of Acute Respiratory Infection incidents in care and residential settings v.1 (11 January 2023) [English]