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Will the change to one dose mean young people who miss their appointment have fewer chances to have the vaccine at another date?

Young people who miss their HPV vaccine in school can still have it. They can either make an appointment with their GP practice nurse or they have the chance to have the vaccine in school (when the school nurses are present) until they finish year 11. If a young person leaves school and has not had the HPV vaccine, they can still have it at their GP surgery until their 25th birthday (for boys, this applies only to those born on or after
1 September 2006).

This change to one dose also means that school nurses will be able to give the full course of the HPV vaccine at one appointment, rather than two doses over two separate appointments. It will also be easier for students who miss their appointment to catch up, as they will only need to catch up on one appointment.

Changing to one dose means the NHS can make sure as many eligible people as possible are told about the benefits of the HPV vaccine and are encouraged to get vaccinated. Increasing the number of young people who have one dose of HPV vaccine will help to save more lives.