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Thank you for your interest in Health Information Resources; we use ecwid software in order to process your order (see below). By using the software, you agree to ecwid privacy policy, which you can find here: link - opens in new window

By using this online ordering system, you agree for your details to be used by Public Health Wales for the purpose of processing this order. Your details will be shared with the processing warehouse and delivery company in order to dispatch your order.

Public Health Wales will also use your details to send updates about this service, including changes to resource availability when required. You can find our Privacy Policy here.

We also use the information provided to help us improve the service, any analysis will use anonymised data. Public Health Wales will also use your details to send updates about this service, including changes to resource availability when required; these details will be reviewed every January, please inform us if you want to be removed from the list.

If you have any queries, or issues accessing the website, please email

If you have any questions, please contact

We are aware of issues with this shopping basket on Internet Explorer. Please use another browser or change your compatibility settings as outlined here. If you continue to experience problems please contact your IT service desk.

Please note: orders are placed each Tuesday and Thursday. Orders take up to 10 working days to arrive.



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