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Annual influenza surveillance and influenza vaccination uptake reports

Public Health Wales monitors uptake of seasonal influenza immunisation each year.

During each influenza immunisation programme (usually October - March), uptake is summarised every week in the weekly influenza activity in Wales report. Final figures are presented each year at the end of the influenza season in an annual report, which also includes an epidemiological summary of the season.

Latest report

Seasonal influenza in Wales 2022-23

Key points from the 2022/23 report

  • 2022/23 saw a return to more usual levels of influenza activity following a period of low activity during 2020/21 and 2021/22.
  • Influenza A(H3N2) was the dominant influenza virus this season, followed by influenza A(H1N1)pdm09. Smaller numbers of influenza B were also detected throughout the season.
  • Uptake of influenza vaccine was 76.3% in those aged 65 years and older, compared to 78.0% last season.
  • Uptake was 44.2% in patients younger than 65 years in one or more clinical risk groups, which is a decrease compared to 48.2% in 2021/22. Uptake among clinical risk groups was highest in patients with diabetes (57.2%) and lowest in those who were morbidly obese (40.2%).
  • Uptake of influenza vaccine in pregnant women was 60.0% (measured in an annual survey of women in major maternity units in February 2023).
  • Uptake of influenza vaccine in children aged two and three years, mainly immunised in general practices, was 43.8%. Uptake in children, immunised in schools, aged four to 10 was 63.8%, and aged 11 to 15 was 54.4%.
  • Uptake of influenza immunisation in Health Board and NHS staff, reported by Health Board Occupational Health Departments, was 46.0% during 2022/23. Uptake in staff with direct patient contact was 46.7%.
  • A total of 160,792 people were immunised against influenza in community pharmacies in 2022/23, with 41% of the immunisations being given to those aged 65 year and older.
  • The total number of individuals in Wales who were immunised against influenza was 1,063,495 for 2022/23 (around 34% of the population in Wales), compared to an estimated 1,117,184 last season.
2022/23 report summary infographic:


Historical reports