Symptomatic FIT Electronic Test Requesting is now available in all Health Boards with whom the Public Health Wales Laboratory has a Service Level Agreement:
Please begin using GPTR OR WCP to request Symptomatic FIT testing kits - Symptomatic FIT will appear as "Faecal Haemoglobin" in GPTR/WCP
Requests made using the Web Referral Form are still accepted – However, we encourage you to begin using GPTR/WCP as soon as possible. There will be a transition period when both referral methods will be available (Current web referral forms AND GPTR/WCP). After which, the current web referral forms will be deactivated.
If you are unable to use GPTR/WCP, please inform the PHW laboratory using the contact information above.
DO NOT print/send a paper form to your local Pathology Department/Laboratory
DO NOT print a specimen label or provide a specimen container to the patient
Once you submit a FIT request on GPTR/WCP - The Public Health Wales Laboratory will extract the request directly from GPTR/WCP and send a FIT testing kit, the next working day, to the patient's address (as listed on the system you are requesting from).
Once the patient receives the test kit - they complete it at home and return their sample directly to the PHW Laboratory to test.
Results will then be available on GPTR/GP links and WCP once authorised. A copy of the results is not sent to the patient.