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Interventions to change workplace parking policies

Interventions to change workplace parking policies to encourage active travel to work are lacking in evidence. 45 


One poor quality study that focused on workplace parking policies and active travel was identified. This intervention investigated whether ‘free’, ‘paid’ or ‘no’ workplace parking at different workplaces affected commuting behaviour, and how changes in these policies subsequently affected active travel. 

Evidence quality:
The intervention found no significant effect for active travel in workplaces transitioning from ‘free’ to ‘paid’ or ‘no’ parking. However, relaxation of parking policies was associated with a higher proportion of trips made by motor vehicles.  

The findings are from a UK-based intervention are therefore likely to be generalisable to the Welsh context.

If proceeding with this intervention:
It is suggested that further robust research and thorough evaluation be undertaken to address the gap in the evidence base.