- Introduction
- Evidence grading key
- Methods & References
- Download leaflet
Active travel is used to describe walking and cycling for purposeful journeys to a destination, alone or in combination with public transport. Levels of active travel in Wales are currently low compared to other countries in Europe[1]. Increasing active travel is a key priority in Wales, contributing to the achievement of all seven of Wales’ well-being goals.[2]
This topic evidence summary aims to identify and explore the following questions:
Statements have been compiled using evidence from 87 primary studies which met our inclusion criteria for this topic evidence summary. To be considered for inclusion they had to include an outcome measure of active travel (such as walking or cycling) for a purposeful journey to a destination, or a modal shift in transport (for example, a decrease in car use with corresponding increase in walking).
Based on data extracted from the sources identified, interventions have been categorised into those which the evidence suggests may be effective, may be ineffective and those for which the evidence is inconclusive.
To view the evidence statements, please click through to the category of interest below:
This summary is designed to:
This summary is not designed to:
Many of the studies identified also included other outcomes such as increases in physical activity which have not been reported on in this topic evidence summary. It is therefore suggested that if you plan on implementing any of these interventions, that you further scrutinise the evidence base to identify any unintended consequences, or any positive changes in other areas or outcomes (for example, in reducing congestion, reducing road traffic accidents or increasing overall physical activity levels).
© 2022 Public Health Wales NHS Trust.
Material contained in this document may be reproduced under the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-governmentlicence/version/3/ provided it is done so accurately and is not used in a misleading context.
Acknowledgement to Public Health Wales NHS Trust to be stated.