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Children and Young People's Experiences of Seeking Mental Health Support – We need your help

Public Health Wales wants to know more about young people’s experiences of seeking mental health support in Wales via different routes and providers, and whether support was accessed or not.

This important information will then be used to tell those that can make changes, improve these services and make it easier for young people to get the mental health support they need, when and how they need it.

We have commissioned The SCL (Stop Collaborate and Listen) Agency, an independent and experienced research agency to recruit a diverse range of young people (aged 18-25 years), who have experience of seeking and/or receiving mental health support in Wales, to take part in a new research study.

We want to know what it’s been like to look for mental health support as a young person in Wales in the last five years.

The SCL Agency will be recruiting and interviewing young people via telephone or video call between April and December 2023. You can participate in Welsh or English - whichever language you feel most comfortable using.

We want to hear from people who have sought support via different routes and providers (e.g. at school, work, from a charity, private counselling or through the NHS), and a mix of those that were able and unable to access the support they needed. The SCL Agency are only able to capture the feedback of 30 young people for this study. It is important that this selected group reflects the diverse nature of the Welsh population (e.g. across genders, ethnic groups, sexual orientations, geographical locations and language preferences).

If you’re interested in taking part, or know someone else who might want to share their experiences, more information and a registration form can be found on the study website:

Members of The SCL Agency may contact you from the following telephone number (07960 953627) or email address (  

If you would like to speak with a member of the Public Health Wales project team, please email or