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Chapter 1

READ Code Reminder Checklist

Key Questions for Regions to Consider

READ Code Reminder Measurements Guidance
Dementia READ Code Reminder poster (A4)

READ Codes are used in Wales to capture dementia diagnoses rates. Recording the Dementia READ Code provides a better understanding of the local population needs, informs service planning to deliver better health and social care outcomes for people and their supporters.

Desk Card - Dementia READ Code Reminder (1)

The flow of information and data capture of dementia diagnostic READ Codes for all services involved in dementia diagnosis

Desk Card - Dementia READ Code Reminder (2)

The flow of information and data capture of dementia diagnostic READ Codes for all services involved in dementia diagnosis

Bite Size Dementia Diagnosis Rates Communication Resources

Chapter 1 - Improvement activities and resources to increase dementia awareness and recording of the dementia diagnostic rates.

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