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Guidance and Resources

This handbook is aimed at trade union representatives who have an interest in the environment and climate change. It is a practical guide to taking action in the workplace and is useful to anyone wanting to take action.

Planetary Health: Employer Action on Environmental Sustainability Podcast

In this episode Geraint Hardy speaks to Sue Husband OBE (Director of Business in the Community Cymru - BITC) and explores why employer action on becoming more sustainable matters.

Listeners will learn how the pandemic provides an opportunity to reflect and refocus on reducing organisations’ carbon footprint and at the same time identify the benefits to both health and the economy, outline how to plan sustainable and inclusive growth, and provide examples of short and medium term action listeners can take to reduce the environmental impact of all facets of their business operations.

Get the full transcript here.

Useful Links:

Healthy Working Wales - Public Health Wales (

BITC - Business in the Community

The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales – Acting today for a better tommorrow

Climate Action Plans & Business Sustainability | The Carbon Trust


Public Health Wales Climate Change: Infographic

Public Health Wales has published a series of infographics (See below) highlighting the importance of climate change impact on the health and wellbeing of the population of Wales, and to support public bodies and businesses to take action to address any impacts.

Launched to coincide with the Council of Parties 26 (COP26), the infographics focus on the relationships between the natural environment and health, the population groups affected and some of the key health and wellbeing impacts of climate change and those population groups who could be affected.