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Step 7 - Outcome Report

The final report structure should include:

Background: information about the policy

Data and Consultation: outline methods of data collection and how consultation was conducted

Key Findings: present relevant information on impact among the protected characteristic groups

Conclusions: assessment of the findings in terms of impact, options for promoting equality of opportunity, arrangements for implementing recommendations, and methods for future monitoring

Appendices: data tables, consultation feedback notes, and the practice response to the suggestions


There are a number of different ways in which the results of assessments can be published:

  • Publish individual EIAs in full.
  • Publish the EIA action plans, together with short summaries.
  • Publish a summary report outlining the actions that have arisen from individual EIAs as part of annual reports on the equality duties.


EIAs should always be made available in full if requested by members of the public or stakeholder organisations, including meeting any requests for accessible formats.

The EIA Outcome Report should clearly express what was undertaken during the assessment, what was discovered, how evidence and consultation has guided the action plan, and what the future of policy will look like for the practice.

Responsible persons should sign off on the action plan and final report and should delegate monitoring tasks as needed throughout the practice.

Download the Step 7 checklist here.