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Step 3 - Assessment of Impact

This step is vital in reviewing and evaluating the information that has been collected so far. The EIA should be guided by the research and address any differential impacts, as well as focus on adverse impacts and unfair treatment among groups.


What are the possible impact outcomes?

  • Negative Impact (adverse impact) – for the purposes of EIA ‘negative impact’ can be defined as the detrimental effect upon some individuals and groups because of their differences. Negative impact is usually unintentional, which is why it’s important to conduct an EIA – this will help you identify and address negative impacts
  • Differential impact – affects different people differently
  • Positive Impact – where a policy affects people in a positive way to address people’s needs


How will you use the information you have obtained from research to identify impacts?

  • Consider the impact of the policy in relation to all protected characteristic groups
  • Conclusions should be made based on valid and reliable data
  • Make sure to utilise all relevant data


What type of impact does the policy create?

  • Negative, differential or positive?
  • Establish which groups experience each type of impact or combination
  • Ensure impact analysis for promoting equality, eliminating discrimination and achieving equality
  • Draw conclusions as to possible explanations
  • Is the policy unfair, unlawful or discriminatory? Consider solutions to minimise adverse impact

Document all impacts and use this information to develop improvement measures in the next stage of the EIA process.

Download our Step 3 checklist here.