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"Bright Spots" A celebration of good practice in infant feeding in Wales

12 October 2023

Earlier this month the National Lead for Breastfeeding brought members of the Welsh Infant Feeding Network (WIFN) and local Public Health teams together in Cardiff to celebrate innovation and good practice in infant feeding. The event gave colleagues from different disciplines the opportunity to create links after several years of being unable to meet face to face. The event aimed to promote a whole system approach to infant feeding and share good clinical practice.

The event was attended by the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing and the Chief Midwifery Officer for Wales. Minister Neagle and Karen Jewell listened to presentations and thanked colleagues for their work through the pandemic and beyond, praising the evident passion and enthusiasm in the room.

This suite of pages provide an overview of the presentations given on the day followed by conclusions and next steps.