An all Wales database to support the appropriate vaccination of babies born to mothers with hepatitis B infection has been developed by Public Health Wales. The reports below summarise the uptake and timeliness of hepatitis B immunisation in neonates born to hepatitis B positive mothers in Wales. National summary of neonatal hepatitis B immunisation in Wales 2021/22 National summary of neonatal hepatitis B immunisation in Wales 2020/21 National summary of neonatal hepatitis B immunisation in…
Public health experts are calling for urgent action to tackle the impact of the cost of living crisis on the health and well-being of children in Wales.
The number of 4-5 years old children with obesity has increased in two different health board areas since 2018-19, according to the Child Measurement Programme.
The number of children aged 4-5 years who were of a healthy weight is broadly similar to that of pre-pandemic levels, in the six health boards that have submitted data to the 2021-22 Child Measurement Programme published today by Public Health Wales.
A new paper shows that suffering adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as child maltreatment and exposure to domestic violence can affect individuals parenting behaviours later in life.