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Your search for "children immunisations" returned 888 possible matches.

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 888

> topics > immunisation-and-vaccines
Vaccine resources for health and social care professionals
This page has clinical guidance for people working in vaccines.
> topics > immunisation-and-vaccines
Child Health Immunisation Process Standards.pdf
> topics > strep-a-scarlet-fever-and-igas
Weekly iGAS update
Public Health Wales will update our website every Tuesday relating to iGAS.
> news
Parents urged to continue to attend immunisation appointments for young children during the COVID-19 lockdown
Public Health Wales is reminding parents of the importance of young children continuing to attend for their routine immunisations when invited.
> topics > immunisation-and-vaccines
Neonatal Hepatitis B Immunisation
An all Wales database to support the appropriate vaccination of babies born to mothers with hepatitis B infection has been developed by Public Health Wales. The reports below summarise the uptake and timeliness of hepatitis B immunisation in neonates born to hepatitis B positive mothers in Wales. National summary of neonatal hepatitis B immunisation in Wales 2021/22 National summary of neonatal hepatitis B immunisation in Wales 2020/21 National summary of neonatal hepatitis B immunisation in…
> topics > immunisation-and-vaccines > vaccines-professionals
Immunisation training resources and events
A high level of knowledge and a positive attitude to immunisation in healthcare practitioners is important to maintain high vaccine uptake.
> news
The current and future health of children in Wales is being harmed by the cost of living crisis
Public health experts are calling for urgent action to tackle the impact of the cost of living crisis on the health and well-being of children in Wales.
> news
Child Measurement Programme shows increase in numbers of children with obesity
The number of 4-5 years old children with obesity has increased in two different health board areas since 2018-19, according to the Child Measurement Programme.
> news
Proportion of children with a healthy weight comparable to pre-pandemic levels but issues remain
The number of children aged 4-5 years who were of a healthy weight is broadly similar to that of pre-pandemic levels, in the six health boards that have submitted data to the 2021-22 Child Measurement Programme published today by Public Health Wales. 
> news
A history of adverse childhood experiences increases parents' risks of using physical punishment towards children
A new paper shows that suffering adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as child maltreatment and exposure to domestic violence can affect individuals parenting behaviours later in life.

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 888