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Young people urged to social distance

Public Health Wales is urging young people to remember the importance of social distancing, as numbers of positive Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases across Wales is causing concern.

Dr Robin Howe, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:

“Our investigations into a number of cases of Coronavirus have indicated that a lack of social distancing, in particular by a minority of the 20-30 year age group, has resulted in the spread of the virus to other groups of people.

“I would make a direct appeal to young people to remember that even if they feel that they would not be badly affected by COVID-19 if they were to test positive for it, if they were to pass it on to older or more vulnerable family members, friends or colleagues it could be extremely serious, even fatal.

“Despite the lower infection rates in Wales, Coronavirus has not gone away. It remains the responsibility of everyone to help prevent the spread of this virus – that is, by self-isolating when asked to do so, staying two metres away from others, and by washing hands regularly.

“I understand that these measures are not easy to adhere to, and make our work and social lives more difficult, but by everyone taking these steps we will ensure that Wales is a safer place for all – including the most vulnerable.”