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Tuberculosis in Wales Annual Report 2019

Tuberculosis cases decline, yet the disease remains a concern

Responding to the challenge of implementing sustainable development principles - new report

A new report to support public sector bodies to implement sustainable development principles has been published today by the Health and Sustainability Hub and Research and Evaluation Division in Public Health Wales.

Preventable trauma in childhood costs North America and Europe $1.3 trillion a year

Across Europe and North America the long-term impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on health and productivity is equivalent to 1.3 trillion dollars a year, according to a new paper published in the Lancet Public Health.

John Boulton appointed as NHS Director of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety/Director of 1000 Lives

His appointment will take effect from 1 September 2019.

Number of smokers accessing free NHS quit support increases by a third

A record breaking 15,599 smokers in Wales used free NHS Help Me Quit services in 2018-19 – signalling the fourth consecutive year of growth and an increase of 3,672 smokers from five years ago (31 per cent).

How Public Health Wales helps to protect our environment

The Wales Environmental Public Health Service has published its sixth annual review.

Have your say on our Strategic Equality Objectives

As a public health institution, we aim to embody inclusivity in all aspects of the work we deliver for the people of Wales. 

Drug misuse deaths in Wales in 2018

There were a total of 208 drug misuse deaths registered in 2018.

Healthy schools win 23 National Quality Awards in 2018-19

Congratulations to the 23 schools in Wales who received the National Quality Award for health and wellbeing over the 2018-19 academic year. 

Inaugural sexual health in prisons workshop

The Health Protection team held its first ever workshop on sexual health provision in Welsh prisons last month.