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People and Organisational Development Committee

This Committee advises the Board on all matters relating to staff and staffing of the Trust. It provides assurance about individual and organisational development, workforce planning; as well as the Welsh language, equality, diversity, human rights and health, safety and welfare.  It has established the Health and Safety Group to carry out specific duties on its behalf.

View / download the Terms of Reference and Membership for the People & Organisational Development Committee.


The Committee meets on a quarterly basis and otherwise as the Chair of the Committee deems necessary.  Meeting dates for the People and Organisational Development Committee are given below.








Papers for meetings of the People and Organisational Development Committee prior to April 2021 can be viewed / downloaded from the People and Organisational Development Committee Papers.


Who's who


(Minimum of three)

Chair and Non-Executive Director

Kate Young

Non-Executive Directors

Mohammed Mehmet

Tamsin Ramasut

In attendance

(By invitation as required but usually includes those below)

Director of People and Organisational Development
(Lead Executive)

Neil Lewis

Interim Executive Director of Quality, Nursing and Allied Professionals

Claire Birchall

National Director Health Protection and Screening Services, and Executive Medical Director

Dr Fu-Meng Khaw

Board Secretary and Head of Board Business Unit
(or their nominee)

Paul Veysey

Representatives from Staff Partnership Forum

Liz Heath