I am writing to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to obtain information regarding the Management of Permits to work (PTW) on your sites. Could you kindly provide details on the following:
a. Which types of work require a Permit To Work to be completed on your sites?
b. Does your organisation utilise a software platform to issue, record, and provide evidence of completed works that require a permit?
c. If a software platform is used, please specify the name or type of software utilised to complete and evidence work permits.
d. Who within your organisation is responsible for the issuance, sign-off, and provision of evidence for Permits To Work?
Thank you for your request dated 12th February 2024.
a. Which types of work require a Permit To Work to be completed on your sites?
Specific permits are issued for Electrical Works, Work at Height, Confined Spaces and Hot Works, but we also have a general work permit that would be utilised where a risk assessment of the work has identified specific hazards where controls need to be monitored, eg. Fire Detection Systems, Asbestos removal, work on generators.
b. Does your organisation utilise a software platform to issue, record, and provide evidence of completed works that require a permit?
c. If a software platform is used, please specify the name or type of software utilised to complete and evidence work permits.
d. Who within your organisation is responsible for the issuance, sign-off, and provision of evidence for Permits To Work?
The Head of Estates and Health & Safety and the Health & Safety Advisor.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of the decision, you should write to the Corporate Complaints Manager, Public Health Wales NHS Trust, 3, Number 2, Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZ.
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint or review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Trust. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner for Wales
2nd Floor
Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH
Telephone: 029 2067 8400
Email: wales@ico.org.uk