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Travel to School Hands Up Survey

Travel to School Hands Up Survey












How will it work

We’re inviting children in years 1-6 across Wales to take part in our Travel to School Hands Up Survey, taking place 17th to 21st June 2024.  

The survey is very straightforward and takes less than ten minutes to complete. Carried out in classrooms, teachers read out a list of modes of transport, and children put up their hands when they hear the mode of transport they used to arrive at school that day. Teachers then record the responses and send them to us. 

This year, data collection will take place between 17th - 21st June. The survey will be conducted on one day only during this week, and schools are free to choose the day that best suits their schedule. Teachers will be provided with guidance and resources to support them in conducting the survey. The teachers then submit their classroom data into an online form for collation and analysis by Public Health Wales. Schools will receive a full report with their results straight away – and the survey data can be used to assess the impact of any measures they have put in place to improve AST levels in pupil populations in their area. 

If you’re a primary school teacher or leader, we’d welcome your support in getting your pupils to take part. 

You can contact us by emailing   

You can view the results of the 2023 Travel to School Hands Up survey here: 






How does the survey benefit schools

At an individual school level, taking part in the annual survey will:

  • Provide an understanding of pupils’ travel behaviour, feeding into actions on school travel planning. 
  • Contribute to the Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience in the new Curriculum for Wales. 
  • Link to Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes (WNHSS) requirements. 


How will an increase in AST benefit the people of Wales?

  • Being physically active in this way can develop self-confidence, skills in assessing and managing risk, problem solving and social skills; and can improve educational attainment.
  • Not only does AST contribute to child health now, but it helps ensure children grow up to be more physically active, healthier adults.
  • By reducing car school run journeys, it can reduce traffic congestion and contribute to improved air quality, especially in areas close to schools.
  • It is acknowledged that increases in walking and cycling to school will contribute to creating a healthier Wales, and a prosperous low carbon society of safe and well-connected communities.