At the beginning of June, we circulated information on the Personal Risk Assessment tool for COVID-19 which was developed by a Welsh Government working group.
The Risk Assessment tool aims to identify those at a higher risk of developing more serious symptoms if they come into contact with the Covid-19 virus.
The tool looks at a number of factors such as ethnicity, age, sex and underlying health conditions so that an assessment can be made to ensure that actions are put in place to reduce or remove the risk.
Now that the personal risk assessments have been in place for six months, they will need to be reviewed to ensure that any new information or changes that have taken place during the past six months have been considered, and the risk level updated if required.
Managers and individuals are asked to discuss the risk assessments currently on file and update ESR to record any changes. The attached guidance has been put together in order to assist you with updating ESR with your personal risk assessment score.
The Personal Risk Assessment is mandatory, and issues that arise will be taken forward through the Line Manager and departmental Business Lead for action.
Issues relating to the workplace will be actioned through the Head of Estates,
Health and Safety and concerns relating to workforce and job roles are to be discussed with the relevant HR Business Partner.
We have a range of Wellbeing resources available to assist on the Covid-19 staff information page.
If you have any questions around the risk assessment or any other wellbeing concerns, please email People Support mailbox.