National Safeguarding Week is an annual event held in November.
The aim of the week is to raise awareness about safeguarding issues and to reinforce the message that ‘safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’.
One of the things we can all do is to ensure that we are up to date with our safeguarding training and would ask us all to make a special effort this week.
There will be two opportunities to attend an awareness session for the safeguarding ambassadors via Teams.
If you would like to become a Safeguarding Ambassador or would just like to listen in to it please email to be added to the invite.
It will be on Wednesday from 1pm until 2 pm which will be repeated again Thursday at 11 am.
The topic of the session is The Wales Safeguarding Procedures and Domestic Abuse/Live Fear Free
We are all facing difficult times and not having the ability to travel and meet up with family, friends and work colleagues.
I would like to encourage us all to think about our own mental health and well-being, please look out for one another and ourselves.
You'll find wellbeing information and additional resources in the Staff Information Page or our intranet pages.