Sports Wales have launched a campaign to help people keep moving during the COVID19 crisis, no matter what their current level of physical activity is.
Sport Wales has included information for people with health conditions.
Sport England has launched their campaign Join the Movement funded by The National Lottery, giving advice and tools to help people keep physically active while the country deals with the coronavirus outbreak. The website has activities and programmes for all ages and all abilities .
Sport England also has a wealth of information for people living with health conditions as part of their “We are Undefeatable” campaign. Here you will find inspiring personal stories as well as advice and tools to help you get and keep active.
The UK CMO’s Physical Activity Guidelines 2019
These guidelines include an important section specifically dealing with exercise in older adults which will relate to many of the people who are living with health conditions.
The NHS provides advice on physical activity for all age groups. For those for whom gentle exercise is recommended, information can be found here
Sport-Santé have produced a range of factsheets and personal stories to help people understand the role of physical activity in the management of chronic conditions or disorders. The factsheets provide information on the condition, the benefits and risks of physical activity as well as some recommendations. Links to factsheets produced by several other organizations are also provided.