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Shingles and the shingles vaccination programme in Wales  

Description: This module provides key information on the Shingles infection, shingles vaccination and the national shingles vaccination programme in Wales.  

Suitable for: All NHS staff who have responsibility for administering shingles vaccination or providing advice. 

Duration: 30 minutes 

Registration: NHS Wales staff can access the module via ESR. For more guidance on how to access the course via ESR click here

Staff who don’t have access to ESR or work outside of NHS Wales will need a username and password to access the Learning@Wales website. To request a username and password please contact the eAteb Helpdesk on, or call 02920 905444, or live chat is available on the site. Tell us your name, job title and place of work and an account will be created for you. If you have an email address ending with or email, click here to self-register. 

Learning@Wales Enrolment keys: Click on the course name and you will be prompted for an enrolment key. The enrolment key for GP practices is your practice W code followed by ! e.g. W12345! For other users, if you are unsure of your key please contact the Helpdesk on  

For more guidance on how to access the course via the Learning@Wales platform click here.