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This section provides further detail on the calculations used in this report.



Resident in Wales and registered with GP and defined as within appropriate population cohort who were invited in time period.


Participants were counted as having responded to their invitation if they were invited during the April – March time period and attended within six months of invitation.


Proportion of eligible population who were invited and screened within the appropriate time period.


Deprivation quintiles were assigned using the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2014, measured at lower super output area (LSOA) level. LSOAs are ranked into quintiles at an all Wales level so they can be compared between health boards. This means that there will not be an equal proportion of people in each quintile when you look at each health board e.g. in Monmouthshire, 40% of the population live in the least deprived quintile of Wales but no areas fall into the Welsh most deprived quintile.

Health Board

This is health board of residence.