Disclaimer: No responsibility can be accepted by Antenatal Screening Wales for information on any linked page. Provision of this link does not imply endorsement of that organisation or its linked material. Please note some of these links or resources are United Kingdom wide and may not relate specifically to antenatal screening in Wales.
Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)
Website: arc-uk.org
Tel: 02077 137 486
Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SHINE)
Website: shinecharity.org.uk
Tel: 01733 555 988
British Liver Trust
Website: britishlivertrust.org.uk
CARIS (Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service)
Website: caris.wales.nhs.uk/home
Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA)
Website: clapa.com
Tel: 020 7833 4883
Down's Syndrome Association
Website: downs-syndrome.org.uk/
Tel: 0333 1 212300
Down Syndrome UK
Website: downsyndromeuk.co.uk
Tel: 0330 111 2121
Every Child - Your Pregnancy and Birth
Website: everychild.wales/parent-information-2/
Friends of Cymru Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia
Website: Friends of Cymru Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia
NHS Wales Screening Websites
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening - Public Health Wales
Antenatal Screening Wales - Public Health Wales
Bowel Screening - Public Health Wales
Breast screening - Public Health Wales
Cervical Screening Wales - Public Health Wales
Diabetic Eye Screening Wales - Public Health Wales
Newborn Bloodspot Screening Wales - Public Health Wales
Newborn Hearing Screening Wales - Public Health Wales
NHS Wales Website
Information about thalassaemia
Information about Down's syndrome
Information about Edwards' syndrome
Information about Patau's syndrome
NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)
Website: nice.org.uk
Positively Women (information service for women on HIV & AIDS)
Website: positivelyuk.org/
Tel: 0207 7 13 0 444
Royal College of Obstetric & Gynaecology
Website: rcog.org.uk/
Sexual Health Wales
Website: shwales.online/
Sickle Cell Society
Website: sicklecellsociety.org
Tel: 020 89 617 795
Support Organisation for Trisomy 13/18
Website: soft.org.uk/
Tel: 0300 102 7638
The National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
Website: nct.org.uk
Terence Higgins Trust
Website: tht.org.uk
Tel: 0808 80 21 221
Tommy's (the pregnancy and baby charity)
Website: tommys.org
Tel: 0800 0147 800
Twins Trust (anyone pregnant with 2 or more babies)
Website: twinstrust.org/
Tel: 0800 138 0509
UK Thalassaemia Society
Website: UKTS.org
Tel: 02088 820 011
Welsh Blood Service
Website: wbs.wales/adplen