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This is a link to our privacy statement which talks about how Public Health Wales process information about you/your baby. There are a few additional areas that we would like to highlight that are specific to screening.

Using your information

For us to contact you as part of this programme, we will need to handle some of your and your baby’s personal information. If you need more information about this, you can:

We also keep personal details to make sure that the standard of our service is as high as possible.  This includes checking your baby`s records if your baby is found to have a condition after having a screening test which showed a not suspected result.

We only ever publish information as statistics and we never publish personal details. We pass on your personal information to health professionals or organisations that need it, including your GP, health visitor and consultant paediatrician. These professionals must protect the personal information in the same way as we do.

All our paper and computer records are stored and processed securely, away from public access.

Sharing your information

We do pass on personal information to those who need to know in order to provide you with the best care. If we screen you/your baby and find that more tests or treatment is needed, we need to share the information with other health professionals and your GP.
We also pass personal information to the Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit if you have cancer detected as a result of screening, and the Congenital Anomalies Register for Wales if your baby is diagnosed with a hearing loss, or one of the conditions screened for in the newborn heelprick test. These disease registers provide information about the pattern of the conditions in Wales. It allows us to plan services and detect  ‘clusters’ of disease that may be preventable..
The organisations/individuals that we share your information with have the same duty of confidentiality as the Screening Division, and never publish information that allows you to be recognised.
The privacy statement includes reference to third party contractors. An example of this in Screening is where some of our letters are sent from an outsource company on our behalf.


Research and audit

Occasionally, we are asked to provide information for research trials or audit. Each request for information is reviewed by the Director of the Screening Division and has to be approved both by the Director and the Caldicott Guardian (the person responsible for confidentiality and the use of personal information within Public Health Wales). Most requests ask for anonymised information only, so you cannot be identified. We would only provide information that identified you or your baby after contacting you for your consent or if there is a lawful reason to do so. We may also invite you to take part in research linked to the screening programme. If you decided not to participate, this would not affect the service you receive from the Screening Division in the future in any way.

Freedom of Information and Data Protection

You may request information about our organisation under the Freedom of Information Act and you can request what information we hold about you under the Data Protection Act.

If you have any queries about the privacy notice, or the processing of your personal data you should contact the Data Protection office using the details below.
The Data Protection Officer
Public Health Wales NHS Trust,
Capital Quarter 2,
Tyndall Street,
CF10 4BZ
Tel: 02920 104307
Email :
If you have any questions specifically relating to Screening Division or your own screening history, please contact:
The Director
Screening Division
Public Health Wales
2 Capital Quarter
Tyndall Street
CF10 4BZ
Email :