A systematic search of reliable robust evidence sources (sources which use appropriate and well-executed methods to gather evidence) was undertaken (list available on request). Relevant reviews identified from the search were screened for eligibility against the topic evidence summary inclusion criteria.
The robust source search and screening identified the following eight systematic reviews to be relevant:
Baker, P.R.A., et al., Community wide interventions for increasing physical activity. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015(1).
Haynes, C., et al., Evidence statements on the effectiveness of local interventions to promote cycling and walking for recreational and travel purposes. 2012, NICE: London.
Hosking, J., et al., Organisational travel plans for improving health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2010(3).
Johnson, M., et al., Synthesis of evidence relating to barriers and facilitators to implementing interventions that promote cycling and walking, and to carrying out cycling and walking for recreational and travel purposes. Sheffield: School of Health and Related Research, The University of Sheffield, 2012.
NICE, Physical activity and the environment update. Effectiveness and cost effectiveness evidence review 3: Park, Neighbourhood and Multicomponent Interventions. 2018, NICE: London.
NICE, Physical activity and the environment update Effectiveness and cost effectiveness Evidence review 1: public transport. 2018, NICE: London.
NICE, Physical activity and the environment update Effectiveness and cost effectiveness Evidence review 2: ‘Ciclovia’ and Street Closures, Trails and Safe Routes to Schools. 2018, NICE: London.
NICE, Physical activity and children Review 5: Intervention Review: Children and Active Travel. 2008, NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre - Physical Activity: London.
Data from the primary studies included in the reviews which met the inclusion criteria for this summary was extracted into a spreadsheet (available on request). This includes greater detail about the sources identified which were then used to compile the topic evidence statements. The quality appraisal scores from the systematic review authors were also extracted, along with the tool used. In total, 55 studies included in the systematic reviews met the inclusion criteria for this topic evidence summary.
A top-up search of MEDLINE for primary studies published since 2016 was also conducted, to ensure the evidence base examined was up to date. Search results from this top-up search were screened for eligibility against the topic evidence summaries inclusion criteria. Thirty-two relevant primary studies were identified from the top-up search. Data was extracted into the spreadsheet, and studies were quality assessed using the EPHPP tool4.
In total, evidence from 87 studies were included in this topic evidence summary.
When compiling the evidence statements, consideration was given to the study design/quality (as reported by the systematic review authors), along with the effect for active travel outcomes. Further information on the methods used for this topic evidence summary, along with a list of the specific outcomes that met our inclusion criteria can be found in the topic evidence summary protocol (available on request).
PLEASE NOTE: A limited number of sources were searched for this evidence summary. Therefore, the included evidence may not cover the totality of the evidence base and new and innovative interventions may have been missed.