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Under-75 mortality rates in South East Wales (2010)

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The Public Health Wales Observatory has published a report examining under-75 mortality in the South East Wales Health Boards.

During the development of a web resource profiling the demography of Wales, it was noted that mortality in the three Health Boards in South East Wales – Cardiff and Vale, Aneurin Bevan and Cwm Taf – had all increased in people below the age of 75 during 2006 and 2007. The report examines the reason for this increase and the subsequent decline in mortality rates in under-75s in all three areas during 2008.

The authors identified that the increases may be due to delayed death registrations in Cardiff and Vale, and may be due to random variation in the other two Health Board areas. However, the report identified some important public health issues, including that cancer had overtaken circulatory disease as the greatest cause of death in people below the age of 75 in South East Wales, but this appears to be due to a decrease in deaths from circulatory disease rather than an increase in deaths from cancer. It also noted that age-standardised mortality rates for external causes have remained largely unchanged in the last decade.

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The report recommends that under-75 mortality in South East Wales continues to be monitored, and that the continuation of health improvement measures in the area may lead to a further decline in mortality rates. Under 75 mortality rates in the South East Wales health boards 

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