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Public Health Outcomes Framework

The Public Health Outcomes Framework sets out a shared understanding of the health outcomes that are important to the people of Wales. It was published in March 2016 following 15 months of development, engagement and consultation. It can be used by Government, local communities, public services, private and voluntary sector organisations as well as individuals and their families to inspire and inform action to improve and protect health and well-being.  It is linked to the Well-being of Future Generation Act’s  national indicators and milestones, which have been set by Welsh Government Ministers.   

Within the framework, each outcome has individual indicators. It is through these indicators that we hope to assess where we are now, and how we are progressing in improving health now and for the future. Everyone has a role to play in improving health in Wales. 

The Public Health Outcomes Framework links closely to other outcomes frameworks. There is a direct overlap with some indicators that are shared across these frameworks, whilst there are some indicators which are complementary to others. All of the frameworks are overarched by the Well-being of Future Generations (WBFG) Act. 

Explore Data Further

The reporting tool and evidence for action summaries have been developed by the Public Health Wales Observatory to support the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) for Wales. Work on the future development of indicators to be incorporated within the Framework is ongoing.  

All health board level data in the tool, including historical trend data, has been updated to account for the health board boundary change which came into effect on the 1st April, where possible. The indicator map provides detail on which indicators at the health board level are reported by the pre- or post-April 2019 health board boundaries. 

Due to issues with the Tableau server, we are currently unable to provide the tool in the usual format.  Please use the links below to navigate to your required page. 

Local authority and health board 

All Wales  

Sub local authority 



Update Schedule

(NI) = National Indicator



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