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2011 Census: A snapshot of key health, employment and qualification indicators, 2013

Key Messages

The Public Health Wales Observatory has published profiles, entitled ‘2011 Census: A snapshot of key health, employment and qualification indicators’, for each of the seven health board areas using the results of the 2011 Census. These profiles have been produced to provide an initial descriptive analysis on the recently released 2011 Census data.


These reports are the first analytical output of the 2011 Census produced by the Public Health Wales Observatory. The profiles feature indicators which have been compiled from the second release of the 2011 Census, including small area information and national comparisons with England and the English regions as well as Welsh local authority level information.


The profiles contain four indicators covering the topics of general health, long-term illness and disability, qualifications and economic activity. An indicator guide  is also available which provides definitions of the indicators used and notes for interpretation relating to the indicators and the data source. For each of the four indicators the following is presented:

  • An overview of the meaning of the indicator and a description of the patterns observed within each area
  • A chart of English regions, England, Wales, and England and Wales combined
  • A chart of all local authorities across Wales
  • A map of all the lower super output areas by fifths of equal range within the health board area

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