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Point Prevalence Surveys (PPS)

Healthcare associated infection surveillance (HAI) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are a serious public health risk. Estimating infection numbers and antibiotic prescribing is essential to reduce preventable infections and inappropriate prescribing. A PPS within healthcare is used to determine the proportion of patients who have a particular infection and to know the number receiving antibiotics to treat or prevent an infection. The survey is usually a ‘snap shot’ and provides data at a specific point in time


The HARP team have conducted several national PPS within healthcare settings in Wales, such as hospitals and long-term care facilities (care / nursing homes). Data analysed by the HARP team is shared with Welsh Government and the health boards in Wales. The data highlights what measures need to be in place or improved to help prevent the development and spread of infections and what plans and policies should be in place to ensure the best use of antibiotics.

Data are collected on all patients within the hospital and residents within care / nursing homes on the day of the survey. Data collected includes, how many people are in hospital or resident in a home, demographic details, percentage of people who have an infection and what kind of infection, how many people are taking antibiotics and what the antibiotics are prescribed for. Other information is gathered such as the use of medical devices and the general wellbeing of individuals.