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Published: 18 January 2024

Public Health Wales is urging parents to ensure that their children complete their full course of MMR vaccines, as it confirms that the measles outbreak in Cardiff announced in November 2023 has now concluded. 

Eight linked cases of measles were confirmed in the outbreak, and extensive contact tracing was carried out in order to minimise transmission of the highly infectious virus. 

Susan Mably, Consultant in Health Protection for Public Health Wales and Chair of the Outbreak Control Team, said: “I’m very grateful for the work done by colleagues from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Cardiff Council, which has enabled us to bring this outbreak to a close and to prevent it spreading further. 

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those parents who have ensured that their children have received the MMR vaccine – this is the most effective tool for preventing further measles outbreaks, and will protect your children and the community around you. 

“As part of our routine public health control measures we had to withdraw a number of children who were not fully vaccinated from school and nursery settings – this is not an action that is taken lightly but it is an indication of the seriousness of measles infection and the importance of protecting everyone in our community. I would like to thank the school and nursery staff involved for their support in this action.” 

Dr Christopher Johnson, Head of the Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme at Public Health Wales, said: “Although this measles outbreak has been brought to a close, it remains vital that parents ensure that their children are fully vaccinated with two doses to prevent any further outbreaks. 

“Measles is a highly infectious disease that can cause serious and life-changing complications, and vaccination is the safest and most effective way of protecting your children from it.”