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Optimising the impact of your efforts – two new tools to deploy behavioural science

Public Health Wales’ Behavioural Science Unit is pleased to announce the launch of two new PDF-based behavioural science tools to help practitioners and policy makers better understand and influence human behaviour.

Investigations ongoing following a confirmed case of TB at The John Frost School, Newport.

Public Health Wales, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Newport City Council are investigating a single case of tuberculosis (TB) in an individual associated with The John Frost School in Newport.

Development of 'Antibiotic Eye' online portal allows healthcare professionals in Wales to get localised data on antimicrobial resistance

Recent development of the ‘Antibiotic Eye’ online portal will enable healthcare professionals in Wales to have more localised and timely data on the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) position in the communities in which they work.

Update on Diabetic Eye Screening

Following a recommendation by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) in 2016, Public Health Wales is implementing a change to the Diabetic Eye Screening programme in Wales. 

Latest official figures show impact of pandemic in Wales, with diagnosis of prostate cancer down by more than a quarter

New official statistics from Public Health Wales show the impact of the pandemic on the diagnosis of leading cancers in Wales for the first time. 

Public Health Wales launches new tool to help reduce health inequality

A new digital platform is being launched to help stakeholders develop measures to reduce health inequality in Wales.

New insight into NHS interpretation services in Wales.

A ground breaking study by public health researchers in Wales has gathered valuable insight into NHS interpretation services available to sanctuary seekers in Wales

Strong public support for government action against obesity

A new survey by Public Health Wales shows strong public support in Wales for government action to make the food we buy healthier. 

Enjoy summer safely to protect yourself and your loved ones

While summer is a great time to relax and enjoy spending more time outdoors, it’s important to remember some simple things we can do to stay well and protect those around us.   

Brexit impact on illicit trade of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco has implications for health

A new report from Public Health Wales has detailed how attention is urgently needed to understand the impacts of Brexit on illicit trade in Wales to mitigate potential health harms and deaths linked to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.