A new report from Public Health Wales has detailed how attention is urgently needed to understand the impacts of Brexit on illicit trade in Wales to mitigate potential health harms and deaths linked to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
A review of international evidence and practice into the impact of Universal Primary Free School Meals (UPFSM) has shown a wide range of socio-economic benefits both to individuals, communities, and local and national development.
This Diabetes Week marks the first anniversary of the All Wales Diabetes Prevention Programme (AWDPP)
Public health experts in Wales are highlighting the importance of providing opportunities for older people to be more socially active to protect their health.
Public Health Wales has published a toolkit to help other public bodies in Wales to maximise opportunities that the Socio-Economic Duty offers
Public Health Wales is urging men aged 65 to consider taking up the offer of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening, as it marks the tenth anniversary of its AAA screening programme.
The latest survey from Public Health Wales’ Time to Talk Public Health panel has revealed that most people in Wales support reallocating road space in their local area for walking (75 percent) and cycling (68 percent). Creating an active environment is essential to support people to be physically active.
As the national public health organisation for Wales, Public Health Wales works towards a Wales where people live longer, healthier lives and where all people in Wales have fair and equal access to the things that lead to good health and wellbeing.
The number of children aged 4-5 years who were of a healthy weight is broadly similar to that of pre-pandemic levels, in the six health boards that have submitted data to the 2021-22 Child Measurement Programme published today by Public Health Wales.
Public Health Wales has published its third Summary Calendar of International Horizon Scanning Reports.