A new report published today by Public Health Wales Research and Evaluation Division highlights the need for healthcare services to record and share information on patients housing status, so that their healthcare needs can be better identified, understood and supported.
A new study, published by Public Health Wales today evidences the negative impact that caring responsibilities have on educational participation in those aged 16-22,
More needs to be done to protect against the potential detrimental impact of Brexit on the health and wellbeing of farming communities in Wales, and to challenge the stigma associated with seeking help, according to a new report.
Findings from Public Health Wales new report highlights the detrimental impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of nurses and midwives in Wales.
The Networked Data Lab Wales (NDL Wales) has shown the potential of linked data, by bringing together data from across the emergency care system to better understand children and young peoples mental health in Wales.
The new Public Health Wales Research and Evaluation strategy highlights our commitment to embedding research and evaluation across the organisation, enabling us to build the knowledge needed to improve health and well-being across Wales (Strategic Priority 7).
75 per cent of Welsh public sector employees surveyed have good awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). However, only 36 per cent feel confident in their knowledge and skills to help prevent ACEs within their role.