The number of reablement packages accessed decreased over time.
- RCT: The number of reablement packages decreased from 364 in Q1 2022/23 to 313 in Q4 2022/23. We cannot determine from our data if this decline is part of a larger ongoing trend or just seasonal fluctuation. However, data from StatsWales (13) showed that more reablement care packages were completed in 2021/22 compared to 2022/23.
- Bridgend: There also appears to be a decreasing trend in the number of reablement care packages accessed over time. However, Q4 2023/24 data was incomplete at the time of data transfer (Q4 2024), so reliable data is only available up to Q3.
- The decrease in reablement packages was observed across all demographic groups, suggesting no single factor was responsible. Further investigation would be required to understand the reasons behind this decline.
Figure 3: Number of reablement care packages started per financial quarter in Bridgend and RCT. (Note: * indicates approximate values due to masking of small numbers; dashed line in Bridgend indicates incomplete data.)